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Elite Wildlife Removal and Prevention is the best choice for all your animal removal and prevention needs. We are certified, trained, and experienced in handling every incident pertaining to protecting your home or business.


We offer both residential and commercial services for animal removal, restoration, and prevention. We partner with locally owned and operated companies if needed to ensure all areas of your home are being taken care of to the highest standard. Whether your issue is roofing, plumbing, air-conditioning, or other areas, we are able to eradicate the animals and pests, restore your property, and establish preventative measures. 


If you have specific questions, please contact us. We would love to help you with your specific need. 

Image by Annie Spratt

WHY CHOOSE ELITE WILDLIFE removal and prevention?

At Elite Wildlife Removal and Prevention, our top priority is customer satisfaction. We treat every client with the upmost respect and always communicate through every stage. Our team is trustworthy, professional, and always provide the best service. We also aim to provide the fastest and thorough service and guarantee we are the most affordable in our area. 


Please use the form below to contact us for a FREE estimate! 

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